The History Department was set up as one of the core departments of Gargi College when it was established in 1967. Initially, History was offered at the BA Pass level (later called the BA Programme). History teaching at the Honours level commenced from 1972. Over time, History has evolved into a highly specialised discipline. Our faculty members have developed expertise in particular areas of Indian and World
History. Honours courses, including Indian and non – Indian histories are offered at the undergraduate level. The History Honours syllabus pertaining to the History of India, covers a long span of time, namely Ancient, Medieval and Modern India. Similarly, the World History papers, including Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of the Ancient World, Rise of the Modern West, and History of
Modern Europe among others, offer an insight into significant eras of history. Honours students have compulsory Discipline Specific Core papers. In addition, the students need to opt for GE papers offered by other disciplines from the first to fourth semesters. Similarly, GE papers are offered by our department to students from other courses. History discipline and discipline specific Core and Elective papers are taught to students of the BA Multidisciplinary course. Here also papers are offered from Indian as well as non-Indian History. Several of the SEC, VAC and GE courses have a fieldwork/project component, where the students visit monuments, museums or the archives, whichever is related to the paper.
The History Association was initiated by the department in the year 2006. It aims to broaden the horizons of the discipline of History and familiarise students with the emerging trends in the field of the subject. Routinely through the academic session, the Association organises a series of lectures, book discussions, and film screenings on pertinent subjects. Eminent historians from various national and international universities, archaeologists from apex organizations such as The Archaeological Survey of India, independent scholars and heritage experts are invited to share their perspectives with the students of the Department. Students are also encouraged to visit museums, historical sites and exhibitions across the city. Besides these solitary events, the Association organises an annual festival titled ‘Antaraal’ revolving around a specific theme that is considered worth some pensive research. The event involves an academic session, where students get to engage with experts from their fields. This is followed by cultural events, based on the theme of the festival, where students can participate and showcase their skills. The History Association makes the experience of students as participatory and all rounded as possible. Over the years, varied themes like the History of Delhi, Environment, Food, Religion, Region, Art History, New Histories, and Historicizing Women’s Roles and Agency etc. have been taken up.
In 2023, the theme of the annual festival was Decoding Pleasure: Aesthetic Sensibilities and Social Traditions. Besides this, the Department also conducted historical walks, talks and discussions around various themes of Regional, National and International History. We also conducted a trip to Gwalior, Datia fort and Orchha in February 2023. After these three years of studying History at undergraduate level, at the History department of Gargi College, the students can look forward to a more comprehensive knowledge of the historical past. This equips them to step into the
professional world with a better understanding and a deeper insight.