

Mathema is the Mathematics Association of Gargi College, which was established in 2016, for providing our students with extracurricular activities through which they can develop their personalities and express themselves while embracing the beauty of mathematics.

Office Bearers ( 2024-2025)

  • Convenor : Ms. Sapna Malhotra : B.SC. Maths(H)
  • Co-Convenor : Ms. Pooja Gupta : B.SC. Maths(H)
  • Member : Ms. Manpreet Kaur : B.SC. Maths(H)
  • Member : Dr. Deepika Dhall : B.SC. Maths(H)
  • President : Drishti Singh : B.SC. Maths(H)
  • Vice-President : Gargi Bisht : B.SC. Maths(H)


We adhere to the principle of collaborative effort and continuous development in order to collectively attain our ultimate objective of commemorating this subject and its perpetual significance.


While each new session brings its own difficulties, we are determined to overcome them and provide an immense number of opportunities to strengthen the connection between the students and this subject.

Motivated by our ultimate intention, we constantly work to find ways to make students embrace mathematics amid their hectic day to day lives, help them learn more with each day, guide them in pursuing their passion and instill within them experience and confidence.

We look forward to all upcoming sessions and the roller coaster of excitement, difficulties and learning they’ll bring along.

Society Activities

Over the past few years, we have come a long way in organizing more events and reaching more people.  Throughout the session several events, including article writing competition, photography competition, webinars, seminars, online reel making competition, quiz competitions and career counselling sessions are conducted keeping in mind the hidden potential of this subject to wield its gravitas in every field and corner of this world.

Our annual magazine, Mathologic, is an integral part of this journey giving students a chance to discover mathematics and its significance in new and unthinkable arenas through its pages.

At Scintillations 2022-23, Mathema organized two events – “Millenia”, a quiz competition and “Identity”, a dress making competition reflecting your respective department. Both these events got a very good number of responses.

Event Gallery