Sneha Kaul
Statistics Analyst
Sneha Kaul is a Statistics Analyst at UN Women, working in the Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in their Asia Pacific Regional Office in Bangkok. With significant experience in the area of Gender Statistics, she has contributed to UN Women’s Snapshot on Gender and the Environment 2022, Gender Equality and Sustainable Development 2022, ASEAN Gender Outlook 2021, the 2019 UNDP Human Development Report and UN Women’s Flagship programming initiative, Making Ever Women and Girl Count through her work at UN Women, UNDP, London School of Economics, and IIT Delhi. This has shaped her commitment to leave no woman or girl behind through the power of data.

Diksha Bijlani
Manager, Climate Finance, COP28 UAE

Madhavi Menon
Full-Time Faculty, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Madhavi Menon, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at NSU's College of Psychology. Her research focuses broadly on processes of psycho-social development during the period of middle childhood and emerging adulthood, and she has conducted studies on self-concept, esteem, attachment, aggression, gender identity, academic achievement, and parent-child and peer relations in individuals of this age period. Most of these projects have utilized large and diverse cross-cultural samples, allowing her to draw conclusions that apply to children and emerging adults who vary as to their sex, age and ethnicity/culture, while also examining differences related to these features.

Annapurna Garg
Additional CEO
IAS Annapurna Garg has been appointed as the new Additional CEO of the Noida Authority of India. She was the Additional MD of Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation before joining the Noida Authority. She hails from Faridabad, Haryana. She completed her graduation in Applied Psychology from Gargi College and her post-graduation from Delhi University. Annapurna Garg cleared the UPSC Civil Service Exams in 2016. She secured 68th All India Rank in the exams.

Ummul Kher
Deputy Commissioner

Meenakshi Menon
Quantitative UX Researcher
After her graduation from Gargi College Meenakshi Menon completed her PhD from Florida Atlantic University. She taught at the University of Surrey, University of Maine at Farmington and at Alliant International University-San Francisco Bay before taking up a career in the corporate sector.

Kritvi Kedia
Associate Partner
Kritvi counsels organizations in South East Asia across a broad range of sectors to help them deliver on their value agenda. An experienced management consulting professional who specializes in developing and implementing the strategic agenda, with a strong focus on culture, change management and operating model redesign to ensure sustainable growth for organizations.

Avantika Bhatia
Senior Lecturer
Avantika Bhatia received her PhD in Counselling Psychology from the University of Maryland (UMD) in the United States. Prior to the PhD, she received a Master's in Rehabilitation Counselling, also from UMD, and a Master's in Clinical Psychology from Delhi University. She worked as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at a university in India prior to joining UEL. She has also taught at NYU London. Avantika values the scientist-practitioner model and has pursued teaching, research and clinical work throughout her career. She is most drawn to psychodynamic/relational therapy with a focus on multicultural and social justice considerations. She believes it important to consider the unique and systemic lifelong experiences of individuals to understand their present struggles. She has experience providing both short-term and long-term adult psychotherapy. She works with college student concerns, trauma, maternal mental health and interpersonal concerns.